Podbrežje Kindergarten

Podbrežje Kindergarten

Zagreb, 2017

The southern urban settlement of Zagreb called Podbrežje, defined by the urban plan, is a framed spatial and urban unit with clearly set contents, communication zones and focal points which represent bases of future functioning. One of these points is also the new kindergarten of the future urban settlement. In correspondence with newly planned contents, the plot of the kindergarten is of a rectangular shape and it stretches in the north-south direction. On the north it is bounded by a road and on the south by a pedestrian communication which creates the impression of unity of the entire settlement.
This solution respected all required urban parameters, both in numeric and spatial-functional terms.
The main entrance is placed on the western side at a newly formed pedestrian communication which connects the road on the north with the centre of the settlement. A service entrance is on the north and, as it is appropriate, the kindergarten and nursery classrooms are facing south.
The high and low greenery have been introduced on the entire plot thus creating an impression of a dense wood, a green oasis within a new urban settlement. The density of green, yellow, red and brown treetops represents a frame, an environment, an exterior façade of the new children’s centre. By means of greenery, the straight form of the floor plan is transformed into a spatial cube, a regular natural segment which hides, keeps and hosts a wooden pavilion which is also regular in shape and forms a simple, uniform, non-intrusive spatial structure. The forest and the pavilion become one and the wooden natural structure is clearly responsive and enables a surface for children’s play, jumping, crawling, lying.
There is a contact with wooden toys, with the sincerity of the material which calls for a new age, patience, passion, commitment and peace in the contemporary aggressive environment of technological innovations, dazzling screens and typing of characters on gadgets. The rapidity of perception and the discovery of contents by means of new technological possibilities in this project takes form of wooden tactile and visual sentiments, establishing a possible balance as a basis for pedagogical processes.

The requirements of the program determining the organisation of the kindergarten and the nursery include a set of given rules in both communication and orientation sense.
This project entirely complies with the scheme defined by the program, especially in the part which refers to the function of individual group classrooms in the nursery and the kindergarten with accompanying facilities.
A wooden frame of the straight grid formed by pillars and beams establishes a system, defines a structure, a scenery of emotions which is brought by an old story about the wooden Pinocchio doll. In this case, there is no series of classrooms connected by a corridor in which one enters through restrooms and exits on a terrace, but such a functional complex is transformed into a simple, uniform system of regularity, focus and consistency, which suggest a complex nature of pedagogy, education without boundaries, through play, learning, strolls, food, work, running, sitting, life. Education is the way of life, every day, in every moment, from entrance to exit of the building, and beyond.
All kindergarten classrooms are equal, uniform and can host all contents. This also is the rationale behind the entrance porch, as an open room with a bench. The entrance hall has the same dimensions and is connected with the upper floor by means of an opening in the ceiling, revealing the structure. All group classrooms are equal, facing south, framed by service contents, the wardrobe and restrooms, which are always present and visually attainable. The dining room is situated by the kitchen with the same dimensions, framed by storerooms. A multifunctional space is equal to two uniform kindergarten classrooms. As there is a porch on the west, there is also an open premise/garden on the east, with a bench and a tree in the middle. The premises on the upper floor repeat the structure and a set rule. Instead of a kitchen, there are two managerial premises, one is the principal’s office and the other is a medical and pedagogical facility. Premises with two circular spaces are wardrobes, and classroom units repeat the ground-floor structure framed by service facilities.
This type of organisation functionally extends, develops the idea of serviced and servicing premises, overlapping a floor plan of pillars from an Egyptian or a Greek temple, the Mausoleum of Augustus in Rome, thick walls in Scottish castles and further towards Kahn’s organisation of space characterized by clear interrelations.
A possible interpretation of curiosity, constant discovery and mystery are based on the contrast between the formulation of the floor plan and thick walls, spatial fluency, transparency of wooden construction, thin dense pillars and light non-transparent and glazed panels.
This structure does not provide for one main staircase, but the vertical communication becomes a part of the structure, and the repetition proves the set rule: full-empty; served-serving, essential-non-essential, wall-room.
The spatial organisation is without communications / corridors, thus creating a new contradiction. The floor plan is not total, free space, public flat plan, but it is without communications, corridors, passages, entrances, exits. It is expected that the plan of closed rooms realizes hierarchy but in this case, there is no hierarchy since all contents have an equal value from both spatial and functional perspective.
The system is open for all possible combinations, like pavilions in the wood.

The bearing construction of the entire structure is wooden. Such a decision respects the dimensions of the building, its functional requirements and character and it contributes to an overall perception of the process it hosts.
Pillars are placed in a grid of about 2 meters, forming a unified structure in all directions. The height of service premises is somewhat lower, which enables the installations to be placed. The ceilings contain two-way beams and a wooden cross-laminated panel. Connections are partially bolting with supporting plates. Dividing and outer panels are waterproof plyboards with thermal insulation. Transparent zones are made of triple pane windows with security film ensuring children’s safety. Individual partitions are made of two sided bookcases. As far as materials are concerned, in addition to wood, there is linoleum and cork flooring as well as elements in prefabricated visible concrete. Sun protection is enabled by side terraces and an open porch.

Južnozagrebačko naselje Podbrežje, definirano urbanističkim planom uređenja, uokvirena je prostorno-urbanistička cjelina s jasno postavljenim sadržajima, zonama komuniciranja te fokusima koji predstavljaju osnove budućeg funkcioniranja. Jedna od tih točaka svakako je i novi dječji vrtić budućeg naselja. Primjereno novoplaniranim sadržajima, parcela vrtića pravokutna je i izdužena u smjeru sjever – jug te na sjeveru omeđena prometnicom, a na jugu pješačkom komunikacijom koja naselju daje cjelovitost.
Ovim rješenjem poštivani su svi traženi urbanistički parametri, kako brojčani tako i prostorno funkcionalni.
Glavni ulaz postavljen je sa zapadne strane uz novoformiranu pješačku komunikaciju koja spaja prometnicu na sjeveru s centrom naselja. Servisni je ulaz sa sjeverne strane, a kao što to i priliči, prostori vrtića i jaslica orijentirani su na jug.
Cijela parcela maksimalno je ozelenjena visokim i niskim raslinjem stvarajući dojam guste šume, zelene oaze unutar novog naselja. Gustoća zelenih, žutih, crvenih i smeđih krošnji predstavlja okvir, okruženje, vanjsku fasadu novoga dječjeg centra. Pravilna tlocrtna forma parcele pretvorena je zelenilom u prostorni kubus, pravilan prirodni odsječak koji unutar sebe skriva, čuva, udomljuje isto tako pravilan drveni paviljon, jednostavnu prostornu strukturu, jednoobraznu i nenametljivu. Šuma i paviljon postaju jedno, a drvena prirodna struktura jasan odgovor i podloga dječjoj igri, skakanju, puzanju i ležanju.
Dodir drvene dječje igračke, iskrenost materijala koji priziva neko novo vrijeme, strpljenja, strasti, posvećenosti i mirnoće u agresiji tehnoloških inovacija, blještavila ekrana i tipkanja znakova. Brzina percepcije i otkrivanje sadržaja novim tehnološkim mogućnostima u ovom projektu dobiva okvir drvenoga taktilnog i vizualnog osjećaja, uspostavljajući moguću ravnotežu kao podlogu pedagoškog procesa.

Programska zahtjevnost organizacije dječjeg vrtića i jaslica niz je zadanih pravila, kako komunikacijskih tako i orijentacijskih.
Programom definirana shema ovim je rješenjem u potpunosti ostvarena, pogotovo onog dijela koji se odnosi na samu funkciju pojedinačnim skupnih soba jaslica i vrtića s pratećim sadržajima.
Drveni okvir pravilnog rastera stupova i greda uspostavlja sustav, definira strukturu, scenografiju osjećaja koju donosi davno napisana priča o malom drvenom lutku Pinocchiju. U ovom slučaju nije riječ o nizu soba spojenih hodnikom u koje se ulazi kroz sanitarije, a izlazi na terasu, već je takav funkcionalni sklop pretvoren u jednostavan, jednoobrazan sistem pravilnosti, usmjerenosti i dosljednosti koja nagovještava složenost pedagogije, odgoja bez granica kroz igru, učenje, šetnju, hranu, rad, trčanje, sjedenje i život. Odgoj se živi, svakodnevno i u svakom trenutku, od ulaza do izlaza iz građevine, pa i dalje, šire.
Sve su prostorije jednake, jednoobrazne i svi prostori vrtića mogu primati sve sadržaje. Na taj je način formiran ulazni trijem, kao otvorena soba s klupom, ulazno predvorje iste je dimenzije, stropnom rupom povezano s katom, otkrivajući strukturu. Sve su skupne sobe jednake, orijentirane prema jugu, uokvirene servisnim sadržajima, garderobom i sanitarijama, stalno prisutnima i vizualno dohvatljivima. Blagovaonica je smještena uz kuhinju jednakih dimenzija, uokvirena spremištima. Prostor za više namjena zauzima prostor dviju jednakih soba, a kao što postoji trijem na zapadu, tako je i projektirana jednaka otvorena soba / vrt na istoku, s klupom i stablom u sredini. Katni prostori ponavljaju strukturu, postavljeno pravilo. Umjesto kuhinje ovdje se nalaze dvije sobe uprave, jedna službenička, ravnateljska, druga zdravstvena i pedagoška. Garderobe su sobe s dvije kružne rupe, a vrtićke jedinice ponavljaju prizemnu strukturu sa servisnom uokvirenošću.
Funkcionalno ovaj tip organizacije nastavlja, razvija priču služenih i služećih prostora preklapajući tlocrt stupovlja egipatskog i grčkog hrama, Augustova rimskog mauzoleja, škotskog dvorca debelih nastavljenih zidova i dalje prema Kahnovoj organizaciji prostora jasnih međuodnosa.
U suprotnosti koja je prisutna između formulacije tlocrta, sa zadebljanim zidovima, prostorne lakoće, transparentnosti drvene konstrukcije, tankih gustih stupova te laganih punih i ostakljenih panela, nalazi se moguće tumačenje znatiželje, stalno otkrivanje i prisutna tajanstvenost.
U ovakvoj strukturi nije postavljeno jedno glavno stubište, već vertikalna komunikacija postaje dio strukture, a ponavljanjem ponovno dokazuje postavljeno pravilo, puno – prazno, služeno – služeće, glavno – sporedno, zid – soba.
Prostorna je organizacija bez komunikacija (hodnika), stvarajući novu kontradikciju. Tlocrt nije totalan, free space, javni ravan plan, ali bez komunikacija, hodnika, prolaza, ulaza i izlaza. Očekivano je da plan zatvorenih soba ostvaruje hijerarhiju, a u ovom slučaju ona ne postoji, svi su sadržaji jednakovrijedni, prostorno i funkcionalno.
Sustav je otvoren za sve moguće kombinacije, poput paviljona u šumi.

Nosiva je konstrukcija cjelokupne strukture drvena. Takva odluka u skladu je s dimenzijom građevine, funkcionalnim zahtjevima i karakterom građevine, a pridonosi i kompletnoj percepciji procesa koji udomljuje.
Stupovi su u rasteru cca 2 m, formirajući jednaku strukturu u svim smjerovima. Servisni su prostori nešto manje visine i ostavljaju prostor za vođenje instalacija. Stropovi su u prostorima s gredama u dva smjera i drvenom križno lameliranom pločom. Spojevi su dijelom vijčani, s podložnim pločama. Pregradni su i vanjski paneli od vodootporne šperploče s toplinskom izolacijom. Transparentna su polja od jednakih prozorskih okvira ispunjena troslojnim staklom sa sekurit folijom radi sigurnosti djece. Pojedine su pregrade od dvostrane police. Osim drva, kao materijal se na podu pojavljuju linoleum i pluto, a pojedini su elementi od prefabriciranoga vidljivog betona. Zaštita od sunca postignuta je obodnim terasama i otvorenim trijemom.

Podbrežje Kindergarten

Igor Franić
Zorana Debeljuh
Tajana Derenčinović Jelčić
Sonja Franić
Petar Reić
Josipa Sarić
Simona Sović Štos
3D- Ivan Franić

Client: City of Zagreb

Gross surface area: 2 615 m2

Site area: 5 014 m2